1 • Product Design

Product Design
Reimagining Squarespace for Accessibility
Design Frontiers Designathon • First Place • Spring 2021Promoting accessibility through a well-known content management system (CMS).

Web Development + Interaction Design
ChronoViz Web
Research Apprentice • Design Lab • Spring 2020 (Ongoing)A tool for “highlighting” and annotating ranges of time-based media, for ethnographic research.

Product Design
Designing for Diabetes Management
Industry • Dexcom Continuous Glucose Monitoring • Fall 2019Mobile experiences empowering users to request sensor replacements on their own terms.

Web Dev + Product Design
Side Project • OngoingA tiny browser extension to combat internet distraction.

Visual Design
Lecture Series Poster Design
October 16 - 18, 2020Exploring information heirarchy through layout and typography.

Leadership + UX Design
ACM UCSD Conference 2021
Fall 2020 - PresentLeading the Design team behind UCSD’s first major Association for Computing Machinery Conference.
2 • Experiments in Computing
Artifacts I create outside of design! Everything below is self-directed unless otherwise stated.︎